Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto
thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6~
For a long time, this has been one of my favorite passages
in Scripture. It’s been my go-to in the roughest times of my life. Trust in the
LORD, it says. Begin with trusting the Lord. Sadly, sometimes our own ego makes
this easier said than done. With all thine heart, it further beckons. Don’t
keep anything hidden away for yourself when you bring it to God. Lean not unto thine own understanding, it pleads. Don’t try
and figure it out on your own. Don’t for one second believe you can do it without
the Lord. In all thy ways acknowledge him, it commands. Every single thought
you have about whatever it is you’re dealing with, give it to God. And he shall
direct thy paths, it grants. Having done all these things, the Lord will lead
us to where He wants us to be and where we will grow the most in Him.
I am fairly used to holding on to things I really want with
all my might and not letting God bear the burden for me. This has always led
eventually to me getting dragged further and further down into a state of being
that even I did not like. It seemed when I was finally brought to my lowest and, many times, not until then, I
would then give it to God and oh, what a physical weight was lifted off of my
being when I surrendered to God. The Lord wants to help His children and if we
will only come to His throne of grace we would find mercy (Heb. 4:16 – another of
my favorites). He will always be there and He will never turn His own away.
After all, what is there on earth or in heaven that could possibly separate us
from the love of Christ (Rom. 8:35)? That great love made us joint-heirs with
Him in glory (Rom. 8:17). He will never leave us or forsake us (Heb. 13:5),
despite the many times we attempt to run from Him and His will. There are so
many promises from the Savior that we turn our backs on by not bringing our
burdens to the Lord.
Oh, that He would cleanse me and create a new and clean
heart in me (Ps. 51:10). Oh that I would be more like Him. And oh, that I would
trust Him with my whole heart and not rely on my own strength and that I would always
find Him in every circumstance in my life. Oh Lord, guide me on my way!